Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cell Phone Drafts

Don't ask me where nor what I was doing when I checked my cell phone drafts where I write things that I observe on campus or I just make a list of things that happened. Okay, so some things are straight up opinions, but, here's the list for me to blog about later. I ain't got much time now to do it, so:

Most Recent to Less Recent:

*I dreamt we had a ghost watching us outside of the house. I shook his hand and to my surprise I felt it.

*Give talk Sunday Oct. 23rd from Pres Eyring's talk about Testimony (10-12 mins)

*Oct 15th: Saw my first shooting star @ age 25, Never wear this dress again--flashing experience, watched Tim and Stacey's sealing, lost 4 pills and then they appeared out of nowhere (Fishes and Loaves of Bread modern day experience), Bathroom prepping in St. George Visitor's Center bathroom, McDonald's pit stop hunger pangs, realized relationships I may have helped with God's approval, "Peruvian Pockets".

*"Be careful" referring to driving, "Watch out for the other guy" jajaja -Lady in temple 10/15

*Unseen beauty

*My thought to myself when I walked into the creamery because of conversations heard:
         OMGawsh it's scary how ppl talk about Harry Potter like it's a religious thing when they are in college.

*I'm anti Toms

*I saw Santiago on campus :)  (the man who always volunteers Saturdays at the TRC)

*Frisbee is an actual sport? Only in Utah.

*I don't understand people that walk around with headphones in, that have tall orange socks on up to their knees, and that drum noisily to their music when this should be a silent activity...when did walking on campus become a show?

*Habia una vez un perrito que se llamaba borrador. Un dia se erasco y deparecio. jajajajaj I kill me

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