Monday, January 10, 2011


Like a foot to the ice
and the fall to the ground
what was once in my mind

Poem writing isn't my forte. I had a profound thought a few minutes ago and then it slipped me and my mind. It has been one of my longest days and that is the first of many, and I am questioning the next four months of my life....good thing Elder D. Todd Christofferson came to BYU campus and spoke to all the world and single adults last night. What would I ever do without an apostle of Jesus Christ in my life? Not to mention the prophet. He gave wonderful counsel and of that counsel what sticks out in my mind is when he said, and I am paraphrasing...when you want to give up, just hang on. I don't plan on giving up...but just from being physically tired, it can turn the picture grey.


  1. Your prose is poetic enough, most writers have a much harder time doing what you do naturally- the writing that comes straight from the heart that still has a chime and beauty to it- don't downplay your poetics, you just don't do the part where you force your words into lines and stanzas the same way as you do the magic in your sentences and paragraphs. I <3 you.

  2. hehe I was just about to delete this when i saw...someone posted something...let's read it...and it was YOU! So, that means i can't delete it anymore. Yeah, i like that forced rhymage. I like you and miss you. I'm glad I am a girl and can say that openly. :)
